Lately I've been coming to grips with my own 'mortality.' I'm not saying that I'm dying any time soon, that's definitely not the case, but I am getting older. With age comes a lot of things that I'm not prepared to handle. Maybe I thought I would always be young.
Case in point, I look at a lot of women my age and we just don't have a lot of in common. That might be the thing that bothers me the most. It seems that I have more in common with women younger than me which causes a dilemma because most other things I don't have in common with younger women. At my

age, many women have retired to knitting and Sunday scrapbooking sessions. If that's your thing, get your knit on. I would rather be exploring a new mom and pop breakfast joint or lying in bed with someone than watching you knit over coffee.
I guess this goes hand in hand with my last post about becoming single. I have to add the religious right to that list. A lot of women are finding God. That's cool. Me and JC are friends too but I don't make it a habit to quote scripture in everyday talk. I can't stand the religious rhetoric that I hear more and more. Don't force your verses on me. I can't say that I'm religious at all. I like to say that I'm spiritual. I find it hard to believe that any higher power channels his thoughts through one person because they have a nifty collar. Whatever.
I think if I took more mypace/Jersey shore pics, you know the ones that are at an angle in the bathroom where you pout your lips, I would be more in line with today's standards. I hate those pics so I'll cross that off my list of things to do.
I'm not old by any means. I'm not even close to 40. I guess I just feel old and out of touch. The other part is my self image. I've never had a problem with it. I don't have low self esteem. I'm far from it, but physically I'm not where I want/used to be. In short, I've gotten fat. It's a good thing that I don't rest on my laurels (what exact does that entail?) and I've started on a path for a healthier lifestyle. I've cut out the cocaine and smack. I'm kidding. I've never done a drug except weed on rare occasion during high school. But I have started getting right physically in the hopes that it will filter down to my mental well being.
Here's to me and never ever finding anyone compatible enough. At least I'll be muscular!