I decided that if I ever date again I want to date this woman. She's kind of hard to see in the pic but it's the Yahoo Mail girl that greets me everytime I check my mail. I wonder if she uses IM? I updated my blogger profile to include my IM screen name just in case she reads my blog. (Incidentally, if anyone wants to add me please save me from my having to work by entertaining me on the internetz.)
But I don't see myself dating ever again. If the relationship I'm currently toiling in doesn't completely suck the will out of my soul and I have some minute hankering for companionship just shoot me.
I have the classic love/hate relationship. I hate it somedays. I love it other days. As of today I'm teetering on a 50/50 split. Being in this relationship has given me more sympathy to those that are 'stuck' in a relationship. I wish I was just able to cut and run but it's not that easy. I sound like a tool, I know.
Part of me doesn't want to let go of potentially a great thing. The other part of me just wants out.
Today I hate her.
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