Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A sign?

I saw a sign on the way to work today and it registered somewhere deep in me. It said, 'Just for today, don't give up.' That got me I give up on my relationship?

We haven't been connecting these last few days. Part of me isn't bothered by it at all. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that my 'I Don't Give a Shit' meter is very sensitive. There isn't a whole lot that I give a shit about. I limit what bothers me to things that really matter.

That's not to say that my relationship doesn't matter. It does or I wouldn't be writing about it. Here's the thing, I've been plugging away at this relationship for a few years now and while its had its good times, the bad times are just as plentiful.

Just for I give up?

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