I accidentally got turned on by a coworker who I can't stand. She and I were in a meeting and I glanced over at her. The way she was sitting gave me a perfect view of her shoes. Wow. Hot as fuck. Something about her shoes made her look hot. How weird is that? It bugs me because we're thrown together on a lot of projects and she always does things the hard way. She's been with company since the first form of payments they took were large coin like stones. So she only knows one way...the way she's been doing it since she took the company photo with Moses in it. She refuses to embrace technology and all that it offers. LOL Cats? That's progress. Hug it.
At least it was a female.
I had an email discussion with a coworker (we sprinkled the emails with work too) about why our former boss is so hot. She's gay. Gay women make the best wing people. Write that down.
I feel more and more sophomoric as I type.
My guilty secret is that I love American Idol. Please keep that close to the vest. I think you lose ninja points if you are caught watching it and everyone knows that ninjas are always watching. The new judge is hot and the bikini girl is not. THe bikini girl looks like someone stepped on her face with a very wide platform shoe.
I swear one day I'm going to get busted for surfing at work.
I hate to judge you, cause i like you. But i'm going to anyway. "American Idol" - really? If you're gonna be a sheep, at least pick something respectable, like "Lost". ;)
Wait. Wait. I like Idol more so for Simon's snark than anything. Do I own any music from them? No. But I will admit to liking David Cook's rendition of Billy Jean last season.
As for Lost, I was an avid follower for the first two seasons but they got too hokey for me.
Hokey. I like that word. Doesn't get used enough :)
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