I'm in a 'mid-funk' stage. Mid-funk is somewhere between Full-funk and No-funk. It's not when your belly button reeks of old lint but it could be descriptive of a woman in Ohio who refuses to bathe. Full-funk is when all is lost or whenever you're listening to George Clinton. No-funk is when everything is good or a Fergie song is on the radio.
So what ails me? It's this relationship. We had a non blowout,

blowout. We didn't argue at all. We talked but some revelations bubbled up towards the top. I was going to type this whole diatribe on the argument but that was when I first started typing it. It's the afternoon now and I'm just thinking...WHATEVER.
I'm not going to put any more effort into it today. I'm always going to be me. Like or not. Take me and all my flaws.
I did get a raise last week so that's pulled me up to at least Mid-funk. That's gangsta.
Eating well has done wonders for how I feel physically. I feel skinnier. I feel healthier.

Since I've been maintaining this healthy course, I found that I'm making better choices when I eat. I'm no longer gorging myself. (I've never really gorged myself but it sounds cool when used in a sentence.) Seriously though, eating healthy is almost better than licking the upper arm of the new American Idol judge while naked except for a bowtie. She's hot like that. (American Idol reference is just for you ICB).
I swear I had more to write but stupid work got in the way of any intelligent thought I may have had.
1 comment:
glad to hear you're feeling good :) as for arm licking - i'd lick maybe two peoples arms in the whole world, then i'd have to disinfect. I wanna feel funky, but my coffe prevents me from feeling anything but the need to urinate.
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