Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's complicated but life is still good

Things with me and The Girlfriend are complicated. We did break up but there's more to it than that. I think that deserves a post of its own. Suffice to say we had ex sex and ex sex is awesome. I think a post on ex sex is deserving of its own post too. I'll save those for later instead of having this run on paragraph of competing ideas and thoughts.

I've begun my shift in life. I'm taking a new turn for a new me. I realize how 'new age' that sounds but it's the simplest way to express it. Even that may not be entirely accurate. I'm just trying to change things in preparation of upcoming events, my impending, total singledom amongst other things.

I'm back in they gym now! It's been two weeks and counting. I forgot how much I love to work out. I used to be a gym rat. Part of me hopes that people can still see that I had a 'hot bod' (as young people put it) at one point and just sort of fell out the groove.

Yes I'm vain to a degree. No matter what people say, looks go a long way in life. Looks go a long way in business too. If a good looking guy told you something and an ugly guy told you something different, who would you instinctually believe first? The good looking guy right? I thought so.

I haven't heard from Ding-a-ling Girl but it's only been a few days since our initial encounter. She did call me at work though. I doubt it was work related. She didn't leave a message for me. I just saw her number on my caller ID on my desk phone. Unfortunately she has my work number but it's okay because I can ignore her to my heart's content since all calls run through a switchboard at work. No one has my actual number and I can 'blacklist' a number so that my desk phone won't ring and the caller thinks the number is disconnected. You gotta love technology. This is a key tool when you have disgruntled, former lunch partners or wannabe scrote snaggers.

There's also a possibility of a new woman for lunch time activities. I'm not sure where it's going but my instincts tell me she wants it to go somewhere other than work. She's an older lady and is entirely too interested in my personal life. She asks a lot of questions. I took notice that she doesn't talk to anyone else like this so its got me thinking. She's married, unhappily I might add. I'm like this weird hybrid of Dr. Phil and a Chippendale dancer. Women want to talk to me about their innermost thoughts then want to see me naked. I know better than to fondle coworkers on company time so I'll leave it alone but I'm also so fascinated by all things I shouldn't be doing. My life can be such a conundrum of interconnected yet polar opposite thoughts.

Overall life is good. I don't have many complaints. The complaints I do have are all fixable in either the short run or will work out in the long run. I'm just working out the kinks as I go.


Lady Karinsky said...

haha - "working out the kinks", get it? it's dirrrty! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

um... yeah, sorry bout that. it's been a long day.

I do have one thought though: I know of a great lunch time buddy for you!! Her name is "Wendy's", and not only will you get a baked potato for $1.29 from a young red-head, there's also the thrill of getting an STD from the toilets!

acousticblinding said...

@dn...I've gone to lunch with Wendy and it's not all that great.

amanda rae said...

Ex sex... it can be a joy in life, or a nightmare. And an old lady, I mean "older woman", for the new lunch date? Well, try it. And if it doesn't work out, it looks like you always cover your ass so you don't end up being stalked. Good thinking. I love the Dr. Phil thing. I don't think the male version of Oprah should be giving advice to overweight people when he is overwieght himself.

acousticblinding said...

@ar...Are you making fun of me? :-) She's not that old. She's just older than me. I tend to like women a few years younger than me anyway.