Monday, July 20, 2009

Hokey self talk...

Not that I have a ton of readers but what have I been up to lately? Not a lot. Seriously. Well I did go on a tropical vacation for two weeks. I guess that counts as something. It was fun but it's back to real life now.

It's funny because I have things throughout the day and I think to myself, 'I should blog about that!' and by the time I get to it, I forget or lose all steam.

Things with the GF have been okay. I'm still not 100% sold on us being together for the rest of our lives. I have decided to not look so much outside of what we have but to try to fix what can be fixed inside. We'll see where it goes.

I've also decided to stop talking so much about what I want to do but actually do it. Some where along the line I've fallen into this trap where I take my (ususally) great ideas and do nothing with them. In the past I've at least tried to make changes where needed. Recently I just do nothing. So today I change this.

I know that all sounds like hokey self talk, but you gotta start somewhere right?

1 comment:

Lady Karinsky said...

"hokey" can turn into great stuff :)