Monday, February 2, 2009


I'm sitting at work wondering how the hell I'm going to get through the day. It has nothing to do with me feeling bad, I'm just bored like a mofo.

This is not good. When left to my own devices good things do not happen. I tend to not use my time wisely. Taking blogging for example, is this really good for the company bottom line? I'm sure I could be doing something to enhance profits but how would that change my boredom?

Things got a little better between me and The Girl. We talked and I realize that a fair portion of the change has to come from me. It's that I never realized that fact, I think it was always a matter of if I wanted to change. Up to this point, I didn't. I now understand that I have to give this a real shot before I throw it all away. If I do this, I can walk away with a clear conscience. If it comes to that.

In my boredom I did manage to find a really disturbing trend. I think it only affects the Eastern part of the country but I sincerely hope that it's not something that's headed this way.

This disturbing trend is called 'Frolicing.' Apparently it's a form of dancing where you look like a Gotti Boy and kick and gyrate to horrible music. In normal speak that's called a seizure on the Jersey Shore. If you're a douche it's called frolicing.

I took the liberty of posting a video of it.

My question is, how do you dance with a girl w/out kicking her in her vaginal region by accident?

To frolic, one must be wearing lots of cologne, Armani Exchange shirt, and has to say 'fuck' a lot. The mandana is optional. Popped collar is mandatory. For your viewing pleasure I give you this gem.


Lady Karinsky said...

hey! they're ripping off Riverdance! Not only are they douchebags, they're unoriginal!

trouble said...

Aren't those the same guys who are always on that blog about hot girls with douchebags?