As the day progressed with her it got worse.
She kept commenting on how big my feet were. She kept literally staring at my crotch and she wasn't trying to hide it. At one point I swear she licked her lips. I'll confess that I did kiss her. Hey I wanted to see if she was a good kisser. She was. So sue me. But in my defense, I kissed her way before she turned on the heat. Maybe that's what spurred the next event...
As I was getting ready to leave she reached out and tried to cop a feel of my scrote. Luckily I watched Karate Kid earlier in the week so I was able to execute the wax on /wax off block with Ralph Macchioesque precision.
To her credit, she was very cute, almost hot. She was even sexy..BUT..she made it too easy. Come on, at least make me chase a little bit. Not too much to where I'll get bored but enough so that I get to at least feel like I accomplished something.
The whole grabbing of my crotch like Michael Jackson turned me completely off. Needless to say she's out for my lunch time buddy.
Once again the search ensues. Maybe I'll grab lunch with the softest girl in her hood when I'm up there! At least I know she won't make a play for my nads.
You kissed the crotch grabber? Oh that just put a hilarious picture in my mind. You lean in for a kiss, and ding-a-ling girl thrusts out her hips and hand to get a nice grasp. Ha! And just to let you know, if I was your lunch date the only thing you would get is my lovely company. No sex or crotch grabbing. Bummer?
And no, that is not my mother. That's my friend's mom who likes knowing about our teenage lives a little too much. It is kind of odd, but what can you do? And as for the hair, I'm not sure it is ready to be shown. I really don't like how dark it is right now, it needs to fade out!
@ar...Yes I kissed her. I get points for being honest don't I? And no it's not a bummer if that's what you're asking. It would be lunch. I already have have a crotch grabber on the roster if I need to call on her!
And I want pics anyway!
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