I had lots of sex too. Lots of sex is always a plus.
The GF and I actually got along this weekend. It was a good change of pace. I don't know if this has an correlation to my being inebriated or if I really got something right. It was probably my being inebriated.
A coworker of mine that's always trying to get me to go out with him sent me some pics. He does this every Monday to show me all the women he hangs out with. He knows I'm on a Asian women kick lately and this club he goes to always has Asian women there. So this Monday was no exception. I open up my email and there he is, posing with hot Asian women like he's at an import car show.
I don't think my hankering for Asian women will last. I go through phases. Before Asian women it was athletic women. Before that it was librarians. This too shall pass. (You're a bible thumper if you recognize that last phrase as being in the bible.) The one consistent like of mine is women who wear glasses. I'm a sucker them.
Hope you have a good Monday.
I have to agree on the glasses thing - i looove a guy in glasses. If my husband wore glasses, i'd ravage him all the time. Him - not so much - he doesn't dig my specs
I totally understand Nancie! My ex-boyfriend, not big on glasses. I didn't understand why, but I guess mini skirts are more appealing? Fuck guys. But, the Asian women thing... really? That's interesting... I normally see Asians as annoying. In many different ways too, like they are too good for "white people." Then again, that is just my perspective. And I'm guessing you are not caucasion, so clearly you have a different opinion. I'm just going to shut up before anyone finds this stupid comment offensive. I'm the least bit racist, trust me with that. But, I will respect your short-term Asian fetish and just read about it and laugh, how about that?
@dn...I used to wear fake glasses. Im such a nerd.
@ar...I'm not offended. I'm not even caucasian! I'm hawaiian. Don't get me wrong, I like white women too!
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