We met in a coffee shop. How Seattle huh? We were sitting near each other and just started talking. It went from there. I was very up front about my relationship status and so was she. We clicked enough to be dangerous and here we are.
Normally she just brings me lunch or we go out to eat. There's very little contact involved. We have and do kiss on occasion but no sex. I can't bring home cooties. That would not be good. I think I fill a void in her life that her husband can't. I actually listen to her. I pay attention to her. I make her feel beautiful. At least that's what she tells me.
I've had opportunities to have sex with her but I just haven't. As crazy as this sounds, as long as we just kiss, then I don't think it's all that bad. She tells me all the time that she'd like to be in my band and play the meat trumpet but I always keep her at arm's length. I think that's the secret with her. You give her just enough to keep her interested but not too much where she's bored.
So we're talking yesterday and she tells me she smokes weed. I was kind of surprised because she seemed so innocent, aside from the fact that she has musical aspirations (reread the previous paragraph for the funny as hell reference).
So now that has me rethinking things. On top of the fact that we could get caught by our SOs, what about me getting caught up in some drug bust? She told me she kept it a secret because, 'You're a businessman with a professional job,' and she didn't want me to look down on her.
I don't think smoking weed is bad at all. Hell, as Peter Tosh says...legalize it. But at the same time I don't want to meet up with her one day and get busted because she has weed.
I'm thinking I'm going to have to end this tryst, as much as I enjoy it. I might have to find a new Other Girl. Or I might just have to be good. Nah, I'll find a new Other Girl.
A) I won't judge you, lest ye be warned her husband may not be so generous - i.e., he might staple your ass to your face.
B) She won't get busted for smoking weed - dealers are who you steer clear of.
C) I did get the funny as hell reference, and may i say: well played ;)
A) Thanks for not judging me. I'm not worried about her hubby. I'm seriously thinking about ending it.
B) I think she smokes a lot. What if the cops show up for some strange reason and find out there's weed there. I'm screwed.
C) It was funny!
A) What if you end it, and she gets pissed and tells the husband? Your face may just get stapled. And of course I won't judge, the past five months I have always had at least two at a time, sometimes even three. It hard to pick and choose. But, the only reason I have that many is because I haven't found one that I'm crazy about and totally satisfied with. Is that the same for you and the GF?
B) Smokes a lot or not, if she's not dealing you are in the clear. But, if you have a really good job then I can understand why you would be paraniod.
C) Your humor never fails.
A) She got fired from the team so her hubby isn't an issue. At your age, there's no reason to not have many bfs. I encourage it! As for me and my gf? I broke up with her. I was just tired of it. I'm gonna post about it here in a second.
B)Again, she's fired. Not an issue.
C) I am funny. Now if only I weren't ugly.
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